① 苏格拉底反诘法(Socratic irony) 是在辩论中佯装无知, 接受对方的结论, 然后用发问方法逐步引到相反的结论而驳倒对方。 对这样的问题你又会如何作答呢?
...分为修辞反讽(rhetoric irony)和情景反讽(situational irony);Kreuz和Robert(1993)更是将其细分为苏格拉底式反讽(Socratic irony), 戏剧反讽,宇宙反讽以及言语反讽。笔者只是选择其中分类较为明确、通用的一种。
以上来源于: WordNet
N a means by which the pretended ignorance of a skilful questioner leads the person answering to expose his own ignorance 苏格拉底式的假装无知 [philosophy]
On the one hand, he says, his reference to a divine mission, he explicitly says there, will be taken by his audience as being just another instance of Socratic irony and insincerity.
On the one hand, he says, his reference to a divine mission, he explicitly says there, will be taken by his audience as being just another instance of Socratic irony and insincerity.