...过氧化钠; 丙酮; 硫氰酸盐; 铼; 分光光度法 铼属于稀散元素, 为银白色难熔金属, 有很高的熔点... [gap=4390]Keywords:Sodium peroxide;Acetone;Thiocyanate;Rhenium; Spectrophotometry 作者简介: 刘小林(1984-), 男, 江西永新人, 湖南省湘...
过氧化钠(Sodium peroxide)的化过氧化氢制氧气学式为Na2O2,又称二氧化钠氧气在氧化反应中或双氧化钠,是钠在氧气或空用过氧化氢制取氧气气中燃烧的产物。
0-6 中文名称:双氧化钠 中文别名:过氧化钠;二氧化钠 英文名称:Sodium peroxide 英文别名:...4Na+O2 →2Na2O 2Na2O+O 2 →2Na2O2包装装入小铁桶内,桶口密封。每 10个小桶再装入白铁皮箱,箱内衬吸潮剂,箱外再..
氢氧化钠;烧碱;固碱;苛性钠;火碱;sodium hydroxide 过氧化钠;二氧化钠;双氧化钠;sodium peroxide;sodium dioxide 氢氧化钠;苛性钠;烧碱;火碱;固碱;Sodiun hydroxide;Caustic soda ..
sodium peroxide cas 过氧化钠
Di-sodium peroxide 过氧化钠
Sodium carbonate peroxide 过氧碳酸钠 ; 过碳酸钠
sodium hydrogen peroxide 过氧氢钠 ; 二氧氢化钠
sodium chlorite peroxide bleach 亚氧漂
sodium m peroxide 过氧化钠
N a yellowish-white odourless soluble powder formed when sodium reacts with an excess of oxygen: used as an oxidizing agent in chemical preparations, a bleaching agent, an antiseptic, and in removing carbon dioxide from air in submarines, etc. Formula: Na2O2 过氧化钠
The reductive decomposition method has the advantages over the classic ore melting method with sodium peroxide in analytical accuracy, reproducibility, ease of operation and rate of analysis, etc.
Cellulosic fibers such as cotton, linen and high - wet - modulus rayons may be bleached with sodium hypochlorite or sodium chlorite as well as with hydrogen peroxide.
Cellulose fibre and blended polyester fabrics are normally bleached using hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite.