soft tissue mass 软组织肿胀 ; 软组织肿块
soft tissue mass shadows 软组织块影
irregular soft tissue mass 不规则软组织肿块
superficial soft tissue mass 浅表软组织肿物
Ganglion or soft tissue mass 软组织肿物
mass of soft tissue 处软组织肿块
Other CT findings include bone erosion and destruction, an enhancing soft-tissue mass, and a sharp zone of transition to normal tissue. MR imaging is optimal for depicting areas of tumor involvement.
The most likely cause of a popliteal mass is a Baker's cyst, but one must consider soft tissue tumors also.
Results: Most of the benign tumor and tumor-like diseases in maxillary bone revealed round like, well defined bony destruction with sclerotic rim, expansive growth and no surrounding soft tissue mass.