数字被认为是最纯粹的,其他仍未被量化的资料之价值较低,至多只是所谓软性科学(soft science)。 质性研究是一开始简单,但是要做好不容易;量化研究是一开始困难,但是要做好不难。
soft science fiction 软科幻 ; 软科幻小说
China Soft Science 中国软科学 ; 科研机构转制的若干理论问题探讨 ; 企业并购与投资银行业 ; 论年薪制试点进程中的三个问题
Soft Science of Health 卫生软科学 ; 黔南州卫生行政执法存在的问题及对策 ; 手术公证的法律效力和实际意义 ; 积极探索新方法不断开创新局面
soft science research 软科学研究
soft science studies 中国软科学
soft science study 软科学研究
sport soft science 体育软科学
This selected topic is a subtopic of the National Soft Science Item, the Evaluation System Design of the scientific and technological innovation Performance.
参考来源 - 区域科技创新绩效评价指标体系研究篢he soft science decision support system is an important way of forecast and de-cision of a large scale and complex system。
参考来源 - 软科学决策支持系统(SSDSS)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N a science, such as sociology or anthropology, that deals with humans as its principle subject matter, and is therefore not generally considered to be based on rigorous experimentation 软科学; 人文科学
Hard science and soft science are named after computer hardware and software.
Therefore, it is not comprehensive to treat Economics as a hard science or soft science or nonscience.
The construction of soft science research resource includes environment, structure, content and technology.