软件架构的设计准则可提高和保证 软件的健壮性,另外使用已有的 软件架构风格(software architecture style)也可提高 软件的健壮性,如:管道过滤器(pipe filter)、顺序批处理(batch sequential)、分层(layers)、黑板(blackboard)...
style of software architecture 软件体系结构风格
This paper employs changing the software architecture style as a way to solve the problem mentioned above.
Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture pattern and invocation style for accessing and updating resources on a network.
具象状态传输(Representational State Transfer, REST)是用于访问和更新网络资源的软件架构模式和调用样式。
Representational State Transfer (REST) is a style of software architecture for distributed network systems that takes advantage of the technologies employed by the Web.
Representational State Transfer (REST)是分布式网络系统软件结构的一种形式,它利用了网络所采用技术所带来的优势。