(10)软件开发库(Software Development Library)软件开发库指在软件生 存周期的某一个阶段期间,存放与该阶段软件开发工作有关的计算机可读信息 和人工可读信息的库。
Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)/reseller license: This license would be most appropriate if you plan to repackage or sell Ext JS as a software development library.
原始设备生产商(OEM)/转售商许可证:如果您打算对 Ext JS 进行重新打包,或者作为软件开发库销售 Ext JS,这种许可证是最合适的。
Establishing and populating a Definitive Software Library is an important step toward improving the effectiveness of the collaboration between development and operations.
创建并推广最终软件库(Definitive Soft ware Library)是走向开发与操作之间有效合作的重要一步。
It's as though all developers get to use their favorite language, development kit, or software library and still work together.