software information industry association
” 软件信息产业协会(Software Information Industry Association)总裁瓦施(Ken Wasch)预期,微软会用其取得桌上型电脑和网路浏览器领导地位的策略,在其他领域也取得主导地位,如掌上型设备和串流...
...月日~ 年 会(Council of Chief State School Officers , CCSSO)、软体资讯工业学会(Software Information Industry Association , SIIA)等单位共同参与的合作计画.
software information industry association
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
According to the letter from UCITA's Ring, the following software industry organizations are supporting the draft -- industry antipiracy body the Business Software Alliance (14 members, among those Microsoft Corp, Lotus Development Corp. and Adobe Systems Inc.), the Software Information Industry Association, Silicon Valley Software Industry Coalition and the Computer Software Industry Association.
CNN: Opponents blast proposed U.S. software law