92 中文名称 软件质量管理系统.第一部分:要求 英文名称 Software quality management system; part 1: requirements 发布日期 1992-01-01 采标情况 采用AS 3563.1-91,IDT 中国标准分类 L77
The quality of software project management determines the software efficiency. It introduces the E-SPM, a software project management system which embraces comparably mature functions.
软件项目管理的质量决定了软件的生产效率,介绍了一个功能较完善的E SPM软件项目管理系统。
In project of softswitch development, the company cry for study and implement the international norm of software engineering management, system integration quality control and project management.
Software reviews can be used in supporting of the objectives of project management, system engineering, verification and validation, configuration management and quality assurance.