这颗巨大的星球被称为「R136a1星,可能一度重达320个太阳质量(solar masses),而且也比任何以前已经发现的星球,都还要重1倍;但是,随著时间的流逝,已经变小很多,这颗星球现在应该已经来到中年,正在迈向...
以上来源于: WordNet
N an astronomical unit of mass equal to the sun's mass, 1.981 × 1030 kilograms 太阳质量 ( symbol: M⊙)
Astronomers tried to estimate what solar mass could produce the required luminosity to explain liquid water on these planets.
All the mass measurements that have been done to date of these neutron stars where you see the pulsations... all of them are very close to 1.4 solar mass.
So, by not collapsing into denser regions, these massive nebulae, like the 100,000 solar mass California Nebula shown above, don't necessarily start making baby stars and planets.