Soldering Tin 焊锡 ; 焊锡条 ; 焊锡丝 ; 焊钖
Tin soldering 焊锡 ; 锡焊
Soldering-tin 焊锡材料
soldering tin 63A 焊锡63A
Tin has replaced lead, which is more toxic, in a lot of soldering.
的确,锡已经取代了在焊接时会产生大量有害物质的铅的王者之位。 由于锡毒性较弱,它已在许多焊接过程中取代了铅。
Apply to factory and individual electronic product soldering tin handle.
The soldering tin jet device according to the invention has the advantage that: the tin surface is level and uniform and soldering yield can be enhanced.