solution rate 溶解速度
solution rate of cr vi cr溶出率
solution flow rate 溶液流速
rate of solution 溶出率 ; 溶解速率
solution circulation rate 溶液循环量
soil solution conductance rate profile 土壤溶液电导率剖面
An obvious solution is to use a processor with a faster clock rate, but for any given technology there exists a physical limit where the clock simply can't go any faster.
A possible solution for this could be to keep updating the game at that rate, but reduce the rendering framerate. This can be done using following game loop.
Rent the Runway provides a solution, letting you rent pricey outfits and accessories for 90% off the retail rate.
Rent the Runway提供了解决办法:让你可以用零售价的1折去租用那些昂贵的服饰。