Song and Dance 歌与舞 ; 歌声舞影 ; 歌舞引
a song and dance 歌舞表演 ; 遁词 ; 花言巧语
song and dance drama 歌舞剧 ; 歌舞戏
song-and-dance man 歌曲和舞蹈的人 ; 歌舞文
同义词: song and dance
同义词: fairytale fairy tale fairy story cock-and-bull story song and dance
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT A song and dance act is a performance in which a person or group of people sing and dance. 歌舞(表演) [usu N n]
PHRASE If you say that someone is making a song and dance about something, you mean they are making an unnecessary fuss about it. 不着边际的废话 [英国英语]
PHRASE If you say that someone is giving someone a song and dance about something, you mean they are giving a long explanation about it. 冗长的解释 [美国英语]
The story is told through song and dance.
When Katlyn Burbidge's son was 6 years old, he was performing some ridiculous song and dance typical of a first-grader.
Qatar's culture is based on Bedouin poetry, song and dance.