作曲:佐伯高志 编曲:星野孝文 演唱:桂雏菊(CV:伊藤静) 歌曲简介:《sotto voce》是根据日本漫画家畑健二郎所著的漫画《旋风管家!》改编的同名动画作品中桂雏菊的角色专辑中的一首歌曲。
sotto o voce 很弱的声音
ADV If you say something sotto voce, you say it in a soft voice. 低声地 [文学性] [usu ADV after v]
For long, Mr Mashai's critics have expressed their fears sotto voce.
I will indeed send her to school soon, murmured Mrs. Reed sotto voce; and gathering up her work, she abruptly quitted the apartment.
Phrases like brut Champagne, carpe diem and sotto voce presented potential minefields of errors, making it impossible to follow pronunciation guidelines blindly.
像brut Champagne(干香槟)、carpe diem(抓住今天)、sotto voce(低声地)等短语属于容易出错的潜在雷区,因此无法盲目遵从发音指南。
作曲:佐伯高志 编曲:星野孝文 演唱:桂雏菊(CV:伊藤静) 歌曲简介:《sotto voce》是根据日本漫画家畑健二郎所著的漫画《旋风管家!》改编的同名动画作品中桂雏菊的角色专辑中的一首歌曲。