源MAC 地址(Source MAC Address):格式等同目的MAC 地址。 类型/长度:表示以太帧封装的消息协议类型;长度表示数据段中的字节数,其值可为0~1500。
h set Source MAC address 设置源MAC地址
Customer Source MAC Address 用户源MAC地址
Backbone Source MAC Address 骨干源MAC地址
remote machines source MAC address 得到远程机器MAC地址源代码
Switches operate by recording the source MAC address as a frame enters a switch.
This means that you can verify the source of the information by using the MAC address of the sender (and the recipient, if necessary), providing an additional level of security.
这意味着您可以通过发送者(和接收者,如果必要的话)的 MAC 地址来验证信息的来源,额外提供了一级安全性。