... - 这可是有意识的生命的一大部分呀 译者注: - пространственно-временной континуум, 时空连续体 (space-time continuum): 时间与空间共同组成的四维时空结构, 由可夫斯基最先提出。
... 时空连续区 space-time continuum 时空连续统 space-time continuum 时空流形 space-time manifold ...
... bremsstrahlung continuum 连续轫致辐射... continuum model 连续模型 space-time continuum 时空连续区 ...
space time continuum 时空连续体
compression of econmic Space-time continuum 文心雕龙
Time-Space continuum 成为一个时空连续体
continuum space time 时空连续统
continuum space-time 时空连续统
同义词: space-time
以上来源于: WordNet
N the four-dimensional continuum having three spatial coordinates and one time coordinate that together completely specify the location of a particle or an event 时空、空间时间关系 [physics]
When I wake, we appear to have passed through a space-time continuum and landed on Mars.
Maybe someday we'll be able to find algorithms that are extremely efficient in both speed and memory, Bridges in the Space-Time continuum.
The reconciliation of variety and unity are addressed in reference to the space-time continuum and the unified field of relativity theory.