哥伦比亚号航天飞机灾难 space shuttle columbia disaster 哥伦比亚号最后的飞行 - last flight of the columbia; last flight of the columbia ..
In 2005, during the first launch after the Space shuttle Columbia disaster, a shuttle was threatened by another flying menace: a vulture that smacked into the external tank during takeoff.
Nasa has set 13 July as the launch date for Discovery, the first shuttle to go into space since the Columbia disaster in February 2003.
美国宇航局(NASA)日前宣布将于7月13日发射“发现”号航天飞机。 这将是美国航天飞机自2003年2月“哥伦比亚”号失事以来首次恢复发射。
The 20-year-old pilot son of the Israeli astronaut who died in the Columbia space shuttle disaster of 2003, was killed when his fighter plane crashed during training.