spatial cam profile 空间凸轮廓面
spatial cam modeling 空间凸轮建模
spatial cam mechanism 空间凸轮机构
spatial cam mechanisms 空间凸轮机构
spatial cam mechanism scm 空间凸轮机构
circular tooth spatial cam 圆齿空间分度凸轮
new spatial cam sliding transmission 空间凸轮活齿传动
spatial cam sliding tooth transmission 空间凸轮活齿传动
spatial arc cam 空间弧面凸轮
Numerically controlled machining is the most common method for generating spatial CAM surfaces.
So, the discrete analysis principle of conjugating surfaces to automatically analyze spatial cam surfaces is proposed in this thesis.
Through studying various types of rollers of a spatial CAM mechanism, the paper presented their unified mathematical expression models.