产卵前,亲鱼群集产卵场 (spawning ground),一般在下雨天于微流水的浅滩或较浅处的水草丛中产卵,产卵多在夜间进行。鳜雄鱼1龄成熟,成熟最小个体长15.6cm,体重78g。
... spawning bed (for species)物种的产卵地 spawning ground (for fish)鱼的产卵场 Special Climate Applications Programme特殊气候应用计划 ...
artificial spawning ground 人工产卵场
inshore spawning ground 沿海产卵场
Anchovy Spawning Ground 鳀鱼产卵场
fish spawning ground 鱼类产卵场
offshore spawning ground 近海产卵场
formation of spawning ground 产卵场的形成
Chinese sturgeon spawning ground 中华鲟产卵场
wild acipenser sinensis spawning ground 野生鲟产卵场
spawning and nursery ground 产卵及哺育场
Manchester is a spawning ground for cutting-edge music.
The lake is the largest spawning ground for red salmon in Eurasia and the best place for bears.
这个湖泊是欧亚大陆上最大的,红三文鱼的产卵场所。 也是野熊最爱呆的地方。
The port city of Memphis was the first major stop along the way, becoming a spawning ground for blues, jazz, and rock-and-roll.