... 我们共同的未来 Our Common Future 我的未来 My Future ; Speaking of the Future ; my hope 我们共同的未来 Our Common Future ...
I have big plans for the future of Ridiculously Extraordinary (speaking to high school and college students and writing a series of print books, among other things) and they won't happen without you.
'The Gliese system is particularly exciting to us as it's very close to Earth, relatively speaking. So with future generations of telescopes, we'll be able to search for life on Gliese 581d directly.
Speaking from the generation of the principle of the closest connection, the status of our closest connection principle applies, and made recommendations to the relevant legislation in the future.
So, I want to turn now to the way in which this way of thinking had an impact on the future, and of course I'm speaking about the future of Western civilization which was the heir to this tradition.