spear phishing 鱼叉式网络钓鱼 ; 鱼叉式网路钓鱼 ; 鱼叉式钓鱼 ; 鱼叉网钓
spear-phishing attack 鱼叉式钓鱼攻击
spear phishing email 定向钓鱼邮件
N the practice of sending fraudulent e-mails to extract financial data from computer users for purposes of identity theft, by mimicking a sender that the recipient knows 电脑用户以身份盗窃为目的通过模仿接收人认识的发送人而发送欺骗邮件以榨取金融资料
This week Google revealed that a cyber attack originating from China had used a technique known as "spear phishing" to extract Gmail passwords from unwary users.
The hackers used a technique that is sometimes known as "executive spear phishing."
This kind of targeted attack - known as spear-phishing - has become so dangerous because of the amount of information we divulge on the Internet.