Special Interest Group 特殊利益集团 ; 特别兴趣小组 ; 特殊利益组别 ; 小组
Bluetooth Special Interest Group 蓝牙技术联盟 ; 蓝牙特别兴趣小组 ; 兴趣小组 ; 特殊权益组
special interest tour 特种旅游 ; 旅游
special interest 特殊兴趣 ; 特别兴趣 ; 特殊利益 ; 特殊工商企业集团
Bluetooth Special Interest Group-SIG 特殊利益集团 ; 处团体 ; 特殊好处集团 ; 特别兴趣小组
Special Interest Groups 团体 ; 特殊利益团体 ; 特殊利益集团 ; 小组
special interest tourism 旅游 ; 特殊兴趣旅游
special interest index 特别值得注意人物索引
Special Interest Group Newsletters 定期简讯
Special Interest Area 特殊兴趣领域
Several private historical associations have research collections of special interest to their members.
Dr. Richard Pile, a physician with a special interest in diabetes, argues that adopting this approach "could actually result in worse outcomes for individuals and society."
Postal special-interest groups seem to have killed it, at least in the House.