special air service regiment
...英军已经意识到切断其供给线的重要性,为了实施这一战略企图,英军于1941年7月组建了特别空勤团(Special Air Service Regiment),简称SAS。
他没有上过大学,而是加入了英军特种空勤团(Special Air Service Regiment)。他曾作为伞宾参加了马岛之战(Falklands War)。
special air service regiment
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Significantly, elite troops of Australia's Special Air Service Regiment, understood to have infiltrated into East Timor in advance of Interfet's arrival in Dili Sept. 20, have already linked up with Falintil's Ruak in his mountain base.
CNN: Back in the Thick of It