...人口死亡危险性大小 衡量某病对人群的危害程度,对于病死率高的疾病,死亡率的意义与发病率相近 死亡专率(specific death rate):死亡率按疾病的种类、年龄、性别、职业、种族等分类 计算,称为死亡专率。
根据统计分析目的,可以选 用不同的分子与分母计算总死亡率(Crude death rate)和各种特殊死亡率 (Specific death rate)。如无特殊说明,死亡率通常指总死亡率。
cause-specific death rate 死因别死亡率 ; 死亡率 ; 分死因死亡率
Age-specific death rate 年龄别死亡率 ; [统计] 分年龄的死亡率 ; 年龄组死亡率
age specific death rate 年龄别死亡率
c ause-specific death rate 分原因死亡率
age-sex specific death rate 年龄性别死亡率
specific cause of death rate 死因别死亡专率
The changing trend of 5 models and the effect of 5 death causes on age - specific death rate model are also discussed and analysed.
The survival rate, specific death rate and nitrile hydratase activity of cells as the function of acrylamide concentration during the process were investigated.
According to the date obtained the mortality from various diseases of silicotics were calculated and compared with age specific death rate of local residents using SMR as index.