...的救济方式主要是损害赔偿,但 “实际履行”也作为一种辅助的救济方式存在着,称之为特别履行或具体履行(specific performance)。适用这种辅助的救济方式的条件为:1.
特别是一旦发生不动产买卖违约,受害一方要求 强制履行 ( specific performance )时,衡平法院比先察看双方间买卖契约中之条款,特别是主要条款(material terms)是否非常确定及清楚,否则衡平法院将不会考虑介入...
doctrine of specific performance 实际履行原则
decree of specific performance 实际履行令
site specific performance 表演场地量身定作 ; 环境剧场
specific performance index 特性指数
Order for specific performance 强制履行令
For specific performance 具体表现为
specific performance method 特定履行法
Its Specific Performance 其具体表现
Specific performance of contract is one of the most significant remedies for breach of contract. Specific performance of contract is preferred in damages to the position in Civil law system, while in Anglo-American law system it is an equitable relief.
参考来源 - 论违约救济体系中的实际履行(研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N a remedy awarded by a court requiring a person to fulfil obligations under a contract where damages are an insufficient remedy (当损害赔偿不足时)法庭要求个人执行合同下的义务的补救方法 [法律]