...国申请175, 如果国内工作两年后拿476澳洲工作一年是否就同时满足4年中3年提名专业相关的工作经验( Specific work experience)和澳洲工作经验(AUSTRALIAN WORK EXPERIENCE),从而在这两项上各拿10分?
工作 履历 ( Specific work experience ),无上 10 分患上分 申请报告生业为 60 分生业,已经往 4 年内有不少于 3 年与申请报告生业相关工作经验10
Company specific work experience 特殊工作经验要求
I can speak from personal experience: At one time I went out of my way to avoid reviews with one specific developer on the team who was just generally troublesome to work with.
Many employers will want you to provide specific examples of past work and relate it to how you will transfer those skills and your experience into the new role.
Therefore, IDS users working on the Visual Studio 2005 environment can now experience a truly integrated environment and work with a rich set of IDS-specific features.
因此,使用Visual Studio 2005环境的IDS用户现在可以体验一种真正的集成式环境,并使用丰富IDS特性集。