original specification s 原始技术条件
production specification s 生产技术条件
inspection specification s 验收技术条件
terrain surface specification s 地面状况详细说明
s specification s协议
I 2's specification IS协议
It? S not a formal specification, but a readable introduction to each language feature.
The Web Services Semantics - WSDL-S specification is a W3C Member Submission that defines how to add semantic information to WSDL documents.
Web 服务语义 - WSDL-S 规范是 W3C 成员提交草案,定义如何向 WSDL 文档添加语义信息。
The extensive specification of the standard TYPE s includes 17 inch alloys, Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA), air conditioning, cool box, remote audio controls and side curtain airbags.