规格界限(Specification Limit): 规格界限(Specification Limit): 规格中提示的品质特性允许的界限值,品质特性值脱离规格界限的产品是不 良,一般根据产品的性格有规格上限,规格下限或规格上,下线...
upper specification limit 规格上限 ; 上规格界限 ; 上限 ; 一旦上限
lower specification limit 规格下限 ; 下规格界限 ; [统计] 下规定限
double specification limit 双边规格界限
single specification limit 单边规格界限
LSL Lower Specification Limit 下规格界限
USL Upper Specification Limit 上规格界限
LSLLower Specification Limit 低参数限制
A similar and much simpler analysis would be for a single specification limit.
Distance between the process mean and the upper specification limit scaled using the capability sigma.
制程标准值与规格上限之间的差距, 通常用在单边规格。
Distance between the process mean and the lower specification limit scaled using the process standard deviation.