... species n 种类,物种 specimen n 样本,标本(speci+men 物品) specious a 似是而非的(外观相似,而实质不是) ...
specious s a 似是而非的
a specious style of speech 花言巧语
a specious hypocrite 虚有其表的伪君子
A specious statement 邪巧之辞
A specious allegation 借口似是而非的辩称
How many times, after an equivoque, after the specious and treacherous reasoning of egotism, had he heard his irritated conscience cry in his ear: "a trip!"
The more startling a paper's claims, the more likely it is that others will try to replicate it and, if the claims were specious, fail.
But the idea that a benefit received can be classified as a capital gain simply because it is risky seems specious.