...是指只有造成损失而无获利可能性的风险。纯粹损失所致结 果只有两种:损失和无损失。纯粹风险能够预测,为风险管理的主要对象。 投机风险 (Speculative risk)是既可能造成损失也可能产生收益的风险。其所致结果有三种可能:损失、 无损失和获利。
China Foreign Exchange --- "China faces massive hot money inflows of funds and other speculative risk."
中国外汇管理局--- “中国面临热钱等投机性资金大规模流入的风险。”
The risk is mainly brouht by the individual trade, including descendant risk, speculative risk, floating risk and institutional risk.
Lee Seong-tae, the governor of the bank of Korea, believes that the central bank, like others elsewhere, will have to be increasingly alert to the risk of speculative bubbles.
韩国银行行长李太成(Lee Seong - tae)确信,韩国央行,就如同其它国家央行一样,将会不得不越来越多地注意投机泡沫的风险。