Speech Therapy Room 语言治疗室
speech therapy service 语言障碍治疗服务
speech therapy ST 言语治疗 ; 语言疗法
Speech Therapy Department 言语治疗部
Department of speech therapy 言语治疗部
Free Speech Therapy materials 语音治疗资料
speech therapy assistant 言语治疗师助理
Speech Therapy 言语治疗 ; 语言治疗
Speech and language therapy 正音和语障治疗 ; 言语和语言治疗 ; 言语治疗 ; 语音和语言治疗
MSc Speech Therapy 语言治疗学
A stammering child can benefit from speech therapy.
There is no cure for autism and all we were getting from the NHS was a few hours of speech therapy.
Brought about by brain damage from stroke, head injuries or disease, FAS might be reversible with intensive speech therapy.