本文旨在运用格赖斯(G rice)的“会话含意理论”(conversationalim plicature)、奥斯汀(Austin)的“言语行为理论”(speech act)、莱文森(Levinson)的“合作原则”(cooperative princ ip le)以及利奇(Leech)的“礼貌原则”(politeness princ ip le),从语用学的...
而实际中的博弈远非如此,博弈参与人进行言语行为(speech act)是常见的:每个参与人使用言语与其他参与人进行沟通、讨价还价、谋求协议一个很自然的是,进行蜈蚣博弈的两个人,安娜和鲍伯尝试...
... scrambled speech 扰频语言,倒频后的语言... speech act 言语活动 speech amplifier 音频放大器,扩音机...
Speech Act Theory 第二节 ; 语言行为理论
indirect speech act 间接言语行为 ; 间接言谈行动 ; 间接言语行为理论 ; 间接语言行为
speech act assignment 言语行为指定
Direct speech act 直接言语行为 ; 直接言谈行为 ; 直接语言行为 ; 行为
the speech act theory 言语行为理论
indirect speech act theory 间接言语行为理论
Theory of speech act 言语行为理论
speech act metonymy 言语行为转喻
speech act verbs 言语行为动词
Complimenting, said to be a social "lubricant", is a positive and frequently used speech act.
参考来源 - 英汉恭维语对比研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N an utterance that constitutes some act in addition to the mere act of uttering 言语活动 [philosophy]
It's a speech act. Come on, I'm not just making marks.
First, the meaning and range of criticism speech act are defined.
First, the meaning and range of speech act of criticism are defined.
After his speech, religious leaders demonstrated to call for Congress to act this year.
VOA: special.2010.07.03
It is a bleeding or spilling into successive signs in such a way that it perpetually leaves what Derrida calls "traces." That is to say, as we examine the unfolding of a speech act, we see the way in which successive signs are contaminated.
Present participles in general in Areopagitica being probably the most important form of speech, the act of gathering him may be more pleasurable, more desirable, than actually having him fully reconstituted.