... 主轴转速级数Speed stages of spindle 主轴转速范围Speed range of spindle 主电机功率Power of main motor ...
swivel speed range of spindle 主轴转速范围
Rotate speed range of spindle 主轴转速范围
Range of spindle speed 主轴转数范围 ; 主轴转速范围 ; 主轴变速范围 ; 转速范围
It is necessary to keep the preload constant over the speed range of the spindle.
The boring power comes from the head-stock of a universal lathe, so the spindle speed could be adjusted in a wide range and satisfactory end face scraping quality is obtained.
This apparatus is enable to change the rotational speed of the pump in a wide range, to heat recirculating water and to load both axial and radial forces on the pump spindle.