米粉蒸牛肉 steamed beef with glutinous rice flour 卤鸡 boiled chicken with spices; spiced chicken; 香酥鸭 crisp deep-fried duck ..
网友分析,spiced chicken(辣子鸡)是中餐的几率大概1/4,印度、欧美有类似菜。veg fried rice(菜炒饭)是中餐的几率很高,奇怪的是它只点了1份,所以也不好说。
spiced chicken liver and gizzard 卤鸡珍肝 ; 太极八卦
Spiced chicken with chili sauce 椒麻鸡
spiced chicken leg 香酥鸡腿
spiced chicken legs 香酥鸡腿
spiced marinated chicken 五香酱鸡 ; 五香凤爪
What will still look great on the menu: Baked potato and porcini omelette; spiced mussel soup; pasta with duck ragu, braised chicken in vinegar sauce; fromage frais with gooseberries and elderflower.
不错的点餐之选: 烤土豆和牛肝菌煎蛋卷;辛香青口汤;鸭肉酱意大利面,醋汁炖鸡肉;清爽干酪配醋栗和接骨木花。
He did have too much spiced curry chicken earlier that evening.
Blacks who migrated north after the Civil War served African-spiced Fried chicken with European waffles.