continuous spinal anesthesia 连续腰麻 ; 持续脊髓麻醉 ; 连续蛛网膜下腔阻滞 ; 连续脊麻
total spinal anesthesia 全脊椎麻醉 ; 全脊麻
Combined spinal anesthesia 联合阻滞麻醉 ; 腰硬联合阻滞麻醉
Hearing impairment following spinal anesthesia 腰麻与听力损害
rachianaesthesia spinal anesthesia 脊髓麻醉
lumbar spinal anesthesia 腰部脊髓麻醉
spinal anesthesia set 脊髓麻醉器械包 ; 释义脊髓麻醉器械包
Jonnesco's spinal anesthesia 江内斯科氏脊髓麻醉
spinal anesthesia hardware 腰硬联合阻滞麻醉
This technique is most often performed under a general anesthetic but in certain situations may be done under local anesthesia with sedation or spinal anesthesia.
General or spinal anesthesia is used, and a catheter remains for up to seven days after the surgery.
This operation is usually performed with general anesthesia or occasionally using regional or spinal anesthesia.
外科医生会在缺损处放置医用外科网,然后再用一个小的外科固定钉固定住。 手术通常需要全身麻醉,有时也可能采用局部麻醉或脊髓麻醉。