spirulina - blue-green algae
... Blue-Green Algae powder 蓝绿藻粉末 Spirulina - Blue-Green Algae 螺旋藻锭 Blue-green algae/Spirulina 蓝绿藻 ...
spirulina - blue-green algae
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Spirulina is a blue-green algae, prokaryotic cells do not, structural walls were very thin, easily digested and absorbed.
In May 2000, the Oregon Department of Health surveyed 87 samples of non-spirulina blue green algae, finding that 63 had microcystin levels above the regulatory limit.
BBC: Algae may boost immune system
While analysis of spirulina has shown that it does not contain a harmful toxin called microcystin, other blue-green algae has found to be frequently contaminated.
BBC: Algae may boost immune system