spoon-feeding 填鸭式
spoon-feeding pedagogy 填鸭式教学法
Spoon-feeding education 填鸭式教学
spoon-feeding moral education 灌输式道德教育
Be against the spoon-feeding 反对“填鸭式
the spoon-feeding way of teaching 注入式教学法
Baby Feeding Spoon 婴儿勺子
以上来源于: WordNet
Although "spoon-feeding" can produce extremely high examination results, these are not always followed by equally impressive life successes.
Encourage people to discover and understand situations for themselves rather than spoon-feeding them issues and answers – remember your power increases as you give it away.
General breastfeeding that child has such a phenomenon, so you do not worry, you can use spoon-feeding.