spore bearing plants 孢子植物 ; 孢子植物类
aerobic spore-bearing bacilli 需氧芽孢杆菌
spore-bearing water 含孢子的水
non-spore-bearing 无芽孢的
anaerobic spore-bearing bacilli 厌氧芽胞杆菌 ; 厌氧芽孢杆菌
Non-spore-bearing bacillus 无芽胞杆菌
spore-bearing bacillus 产孢子杆菌 ; 孢子杆菌
Moreover, host plant can also affect the growth and development of AM fungi, and produce different infection rate, spore-bearing rate and mycorrhiza effect.
Any of numerous fungi, especially of the family Clavariaceae, whose often brightly colored spore-bearing structures are club-shaped to intricately branched and resemble coral.
External fertilization occurs when gametes are expelled into a watery substrate from the parental bodies before fusion; it is typical of spore bearing plants.