sporo-pollen statistics 孢子花粉统计学
sporo-pollen 孢子花粉 ; 孢粉组合
sporo-pollen complex 孢粉组合
sporo pollen records 孢粉记录
sporo-pollen fossils 孢粉化石
By the analysis of the sporopollen data about the representative borehole, we put out the climatic evolution process of the Basin, especially for the later-Pleistocence.
参考来源 - 昆明盆地第四纪沉积环境演变The Songliao Basin has the most complete Cretaceous sedimentary deposit, yielding abundant sporopollen, ostracods, Esthenaus fossils.
参考来源 - 松辽盆地白垩纪沟鞭藻、绿藻和疑源类及其生产力·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress