sporting goods 体育用品 ; 体博会 ; 运动用品 ; 文体用品
Sporting Goods Intelligence 体育用品情报 ; 运动商品情报杂志 ; 运动商品情报 ; 报杂志
stationery and sporting goods 文教体育用品 ; 文体用品
Sporting Goods & Recreation 运动健身和休闲娱乐 ; 体育用品和休闲娱乐 ; 体育用品科技娱乐 ; 体育用品及娱乐设施
Sporting Goods Association 公会区
Wilson Sporting Goods 体育用品公司 ; 威尔逊运动用品公司
Dick's Sporting Goods 迪克体育用品公司 ; 迪克斯体育用品
China Sporting Goods Federation 中国体育用品联合会
Sporting goods stores 体育用品店
After sorting the deals by category, they determined that among the 512 brands associated with the athletes, most involved sporting goods, followed closely by food and beverage brands.
If you manage a sporting goods store, consider sponsoring a little league baseball team.
Take Nike for example. Until it came up with the idea of using Michael Jordan to endorse its products, it was just another sporting goods company.