spotted fever [内科] 斑疹热 ; 斑点热 ; 落基山热
rocky mountain spotted fever 落矶山斑疹热 ; 洛基山斑疹热 ; 落基山斑点热 ; 落基山斑疹热
American spotted fever 美洲斑疹伤寒
mediterranean spotted fever 地中海热 ; 地中海斑疹热 ; 地中海斑点热 ; 斑疹热立克次氏体
Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia 由斑点热群立克次体
Bocky Mountain spotted fever 落矶山斑疹热
Japanese spotted fever 日本红斑热
Rickettsia rickettsii spotted fever 立氏立克次体斑疹热
Spotted fever unspecified 未特指的斑疹热
Spotted Fever Group 斑点热群 ; 类中的斑点热群
Spotted fever in purples for example, which we call measles, was a significant cause of death as was the plague, which we don't have anymore, thank goodness.
These symptoms, he told her, were so nonspecific that they could be found in everything from garden-variety Lyme disease to something really exotic such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Tick typhus is actually a form of Spotted fever in Africa and the Indian subcontinent.