Spring Boot JDBC 连接数据库示例 ; 衔接数据库示例
You are restricted to JDBC-based frameworks such as iBATIS or Spring JDBC (see Resources), or your own home-brewed data-access object (DAO) framework.
仅限于使用基于JDBC的框架,比如ibatis或Spring JDBC(请参见参考资料),或者您自己开发的数据访问对象(DAO)框架。
If you have an operation that contains entirely persistence logic (no business logic), consider moving it into the database as a stored procedure and invoke it via Spring JDBC.
如果你有一个包含完整持久性逻辑(并非业务逻辑)的操作,考虑将它作为存储过程移到数据库中,并通过Spring JDBC来调用。
Spring DAO: the Spring JDBC DAO abstraction layer offers a meaningful exception hierarchy for managing the exception handling and error messages thrown by different database vendors.
Spring DAO: JDBC DAO抽象层提供了有意义的异常层次结构,可用该结构来管理异常处理和不同数据库供应商抛出的错误消息。