... DMO的托管版本,功能上有很大的增强。SQL Serve的一些工具也是基于这个类库开发的。 SQL Backup and Restore 备份与还原 SQL Server Document 给SQL对象添加注释 ...
This memory is used by database level tasks such as backup/restore, locking, and SQL executions.
这种内存用于数据库级的任务,例如备份/恢复、锁定和 SQL 的执行。
As of SQL Server 2005, we have page level restore, meaning that we can restore only the damaged pages (instead of a full backup) and then the subsequent log backups.
如果是SQL Server 2005,我们拥有页级别的还原,意味着我们能够只还原损坏的页面(代替完整的备份)然后是随后的日志备份。