The happy couple made an engaging debut at St. James`s Palace in London on Tuesday —just hours after announcing their plans to wed in London in the spring or summer of 2011.
本周二,两人宣布将于明年春夏择日在伦敦举办婚礼。 消息发布数小时后,英国威廉王子携未婚妻在伦敦圣詹姆斯宫于订婚后首度亮相。
Yes, there aren't any clouds in the sky and we'vegot such a beautiful view here. Look! This is St James Park. And there'. s Buckingham Palace.
是啊,天上没几朵云彩,而且我们换在这看到了这么美的景色。 看这是圣詹姆斯公园,那是白金汉宫。