5-1 树的定义 与 基本术语 (Basic Terminology) 第四章 堆叠与伫列 (Stacks and Queues) 第四章 , 堆叠与伫列(Stacks , Queues) ,
... Hashtables(哈希表) Stacks and queues(栈与队列) Trees (binary trees and heaps)(二叉树和堆) ...
multiple stacks and queues 多堆栈和队列
The first two higher-level abstract data types are stacks and queues . They are extremely important to computing.
Stacks and Queues are often considered the bread and butter of data structures and find use in architecture, parsing, operating systems, and discrete event simulation.
The new additions to SPL add some useful functionality to PHP that is easy to use, as well as implementations of data structures, such as doubly linked lists, stacks, heaps, and queues.
SPL中的新补充? php添加了一些有用的并且易于使用的功能,以及数据结构的实现,例如双重链接列表、栈、堆和队列。