[ 第三人称单数 stales 现在分词 staling 过去式 staled 过去分词 staled 比较级 staler或more stale 最高级 stalest或most stale ]
nutritional stales 营养状况
She creates her own atmosphere and unconsciously lays bare the devastation and the twist that the stale feudal history and contemporaneous Shanghai culture have done to human nature. She establishes a special and bizarre literature world.
参考来源 - 山河岁月 长沟流月去无声·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"stale bread"
同义词: dusty moth-eaten
"cold (or stale) news"
同义词: cold
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Stale food is no longer fresh or good to eat. (食物) 不新鲜的; 变味的
Their daily diet consisted of a lump of stale bread, a bowl of rice, and stale water.
ADJ Stale air or smells are unpleasant because they are no longer fresh. (空气或气味) 不新鲜的
...the smell of stale sweat.
ADJ If you say that a place, an activity, or an idea is stale, you mean that it has become boring because it is always the same. (地方、活动、主意) 缺乏新鲜感的 [表不满]
Her relationship with Mark has become stale.
It was covered with moist ponds and marshes, nasty ditches and jungles, chilling and thrilling jails, all around was emitting the stales acid flavor.
This paper introduced a new type of differential steering gear equiped with dozer that was made in United Stales, and analysed its mechanism as well as its workingprinciple.