standard candle [光] 标准烛光 ; 规范烛光 ; 国际烛光
British standard candle 英国标准烛光 ; 英国协会螺纹
internatioal standard candle power 国际标准烛光
English Standard Candle 英国标准烛
standard candle west bank 标准烛光
Candle Standard 标准烛泡
standard d candle 标准烛光
So for decades, astronomers have used it as a "standard candle" in the field of high-energy astrophysics.
Another type of standard candle is a type of star called a Cepheid variable.
In principle, one can trace that history back in cosmic time by observing a so-called standard candle, a class of astronomical object whose intrinsic luminosity is uniform.