Standard &Poor 标准普尔
Standard & Poor 标准普尔 ; 普尔 ; 标普 ; 标准普尔公司
Standard&Poor 标准普尔
Standard and Poor 标准普尔 ; 标准普尔公司 ; 标普 ; 指数
Standard Poor 标准普尔
Standard & Poor s 标普公司
Standard & Poor Corporation 斯坦达德和普尔公司
Standard & Poor s Index 标准普尔指数
On a financial level, the poor and middle class need to rely more credit to attain an adequate standard of living, which ultimately makes them poorer.
Poor countries therefore think emissions per head, not absolute emissions, should be the standard.
The cons are poor performance next to erb, an early stage project and the fact that it's not a Rails standard.