... 标准空隙深度 standard void depth 标准口令 standard commands 标准罗经航向 standard compass course ...
Standard Commands for Programmable Instrumentation 可编程仪器标准命令
Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments 可程控仪器的标准命令 ; 仪器标准命令 ; 可编程仪器标准命令
This article illustrates how to write a Linux command-line utility, similar to standard commands such as cat, ls, pr, mv, and so on.
本文演示如何编写与 cat、ls、pr 和 mv 等标准命令类似的 Linux 命令行实用程序。
The Media Control Interface (MCI) provides standard commands for playing multimedia devices and recording multimedia resource files.
媒体 控制 接口(MCI)提供了播放多 媒体设备以及录制多 媒体资源文件的标准命令集合。
Now that you have the unpacked values from the binary buffer that you read, you can use the standard print commands to get the output necessary.