所谓的“标准德语”(Standard German),历史语言学上称之为“新高地德语”,它在十四、十五世纪作为一种综合若干方言特征的书面语出现,当时主要用于行政的管理。
The Standard German Language 标准德国语言
German standard 德国标准 ; 德标设备工程
German standard sieve 德国标准筛
German standard flange 德标法兰 ; 当前位置
German Standard Organization 根据德国标准协会
German Industry Standard 德国工业标准
German Polic Standard 德国警用标准
以上来源于: WordNet
For example, if your Regional Settings are set to Standard German, you can enter data in the Criteria pane in a format such as "31.12.96."
XML provides a way to use any standard character set within a message, so you can write a message in English just as easily as you can write it in German or Japanese.
There is a distinct grammatical standard for Austrian German with a few differences to the German spoken in Germany.