... Standard & Pool's Rating斯坦普耳评级 Standard testing conditions标准测试环境 Standard & Pool's Corporation斯坦普耳(评级)公司 ...
Standard testing conditions: Officially specified conditions under which paper is tested: 50%relative humidity and 23 degree Celsius.
Some common materials used in PCB surface coating were compared under specified standard testing conditions, and useful information was provided for the selection of coating for PCB.
对国内外几类常用的PCB表面防护涂料在规定的标准测试条件下三防性能的比较,从而有助于三防涂料在PC B组件产品应用上的优选。
By testing, performance of the product met the standard of MT668-1997 of technical conditions of steel cord conveyor belt applied to coal industry.